Welcome to the Sea Palms Official Website
Hurricane Season Begins on June 1st and runs through November 30th
Don't wait for a named storm to approach
Names of Atlantic Storms for 2025
Andrea Humberto Olga
Barry Imelda Pablo
Chantel Jerry Rebekah
Dexter Karen Sebastien
Erin Lorenzo Tanya
Fernand Melissa Vane
Gabrielle Nestor Wendy
Click Here NOAA Information Sheet

HURRICANE WARNINGS are issued by the National Weather Service when a hurricane is expected to strike the area within 36 hours.
Please remember to have your shutters serviced and closed for the season if you are going away for the summer.
Weekend people please close your shutters every time you leave.
Should a storm come up unexpectedly our maintenance staff must focus on the common areas, and will not have time to close individual unit shutters.
We urge everyone to have a plan in place to know what they will do rather than to panic at the last minute.
Special Needs Registry
For people that are frail, elderly, or handicapped and need assistance in evacuating should
with the county’s Emergency Management Office St. Lucie County (772) 462-8100
What to do if a hurricane threatens the area
Take important telephone numbers with you, including the emergency numbers for the property management company.
Hurricane Kits
Make sure that you have and do the following
*Take pictures of your condo for insurance purposes[
*Have a full tank of gas for your vehicle.
*Make sure that your cell phone is fully charged.
*Check supplies of medications and supplies in your first-aid kit.
*Check batteries for radio and flashlights. (have extra batteries on hand)
*Stock up on canned food provisions and water to last at least 3 days.
*Have candles, lighter or matches and a manual can opener in your unit.
*Special items: baby/pet supplies, personal hygiene/sanitation items if applicable.
*Secure furniture and other loose items on balconies.
*Secure all shutters on all windows and balconies.
If local authorities recommend evacuation leave immediately
*Turn off circuit breakers on nonessential equipment in your fuse box.
*Turn off all water to your condo.
*Take all important documents with you in a waterproof container. (to include your Property Insurance Policy)
*Prepare a cooler with ice packs and bring books, magazines, or games for recreation.
*There may be an extend loss of electrical power, consider removing food items from your refrigerator.

Below are providers to update you with information on the storm.
St. Lucie County https://www.stlucieco.gov/home
NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheet *click here*
Local Radio WQCS 88.9
WFLM The Flame 104.5 FM
Hurricane Updates: www.hurricanes.gov
Hurricane Hotline Number: (305) 229-4470