Welcome to the Sea Palms Official Website

Sea Palms Association
2/22/25 Monthly Give and Take Day ... See Calendar
2/18/25 Boil Water Notice North Hutchinson Island Click Here
2/14/25 A1A North Bridge project Update Click for Update
1/31/25 Vero Beach Airport, Upgrades Click for Update
​2/14/25 Valentine's Day Party / Hearts & Harmony See Calendar
1//25 The 2025 Election Page Updated
1/10/25 State Road A1A North Causeway Bridge Update
12/31/24 New Years Eve Countdown Pictures in Photo Galley​​​​​
12/4/24 P. M. Rene Kerber Leaves Sea Palms See Owner's Page
4/5/24 Independent Auditor's Report 9/30/23 See Documents
February 2023 Financials Posted ~ Document Page
Milestone Structural Inspections of Sea Palms ~ Documents Page
8/29/23 Sea Palms Resource Book 2023
2023 Annual Meeting Minutes Posted ~ Owners Page
North Causeway Bridge
Bridge Work Began May 1, 2023

​​Destined to be the Treasure Coast's tallest
The new North Causeway Bridge, which will span the Indian River Lagoon to North Hutchinson Island, could provide more evacuation access from the barrier island during hurricanes and other storms than the current bridge provides.
Because it will be a fixed bridge, rather than a moveable span, it won't have the same high-wind closing procedures as the current drawbridge, according to the Florida Department of Transportation.
The bridge, which is expected to cost $111.5 million and become the tallest on the Treasure Coast, remains on track for completion in late 2027, according to FDOT spokesperson.
When it was first announced in early 2021, the new bridge was expected to begin in 2022, be complete by 2026 and cost $65 million. After a yearlong delay and an increase in cost, construction began in May.
The current North Bridge, built in 1963, is a moveable bridge, and must be locked in the closed position whenever sustained winds exceed 39 mph, or about half the threshold for a Category 1 hurricane. The new bridge will be a fixed bridge, meaning that no such restriction will be necessary.
"This is a fixed bridge without moving parts, so this bridge will not follow the same storm procedures as a movable (bascule) bridge during a storm.
The new bridge will be the tallest on the Treasure Coast, surpassing five bridges that stand at 65 feet: the Ernest Lyons Bridge, Jensen Beach Causeway Bridge, Fort Pierce South Bridge, 17th Street Bridge, Merrill Barber Bridge, Evans Crary Bridge and the Roosevelt Bridge.
One aspect that remains to be resolved is whether there will be the opportunity to fish the lagoon once the new bridge is completed. The existing bridge includes a walkway that is regularly used for fishing. There are plans to build a new walkway and pedestrian observation deck underneath the western portion of the new bridge, but the approval for fishing needs to come only from local entities only after the bridge is built.
The project is also to include sidewalks, a shared-use path and bicycle lanes on the bridge, as well as a new access road under the bridge to businesses east of the Florida East Coast Railroad, according to FDOT.
Sea Palms is located along the East coast of Florida on North Hutchinson Island, which is well known for its miles of beautiful white sand beaches. The pristine beauty of the natural surroundings creates a relaxing atmosphere filled with endless possibilities for outdoor recreational activities. The result is a perfect blend of people and nature. From fine restaurants to elegant shopping, live theaters to baseball games, historical museums, North Hutchinson Island is ideally located to best take advantage of Florida’s Treasure Coast. Excellent medical facilities are close by as well as financial institutions and churches of all denominations. For the active sportsman, there are public and private golf courses, tennis clubs, river fishing, deep-sea fishing, hiking trails, State parks, and of course miles and miles of the most beautiful beaches in the world. For day journeys, there are an abundance of activities. Only a few short driving hours away, Disney World, Cape Canaveral Space Center, Universal Studios or the exciting shopping of Palm Beaches.
Sea Palms is located at:
3200 North Highway A1A
North Hutchinson Island 34949
Exit 138 off route 95
Turn on to Indrio Road [East]. Travel approximately 5.7 miles to Route 1
Turn Right on to route 1 [South]. Travel approximately 3.7 miles
At the lights turn left on to Florida A1A.
Travel over the bridge, drive approximately 2.5 miles
At the traffic lights turn left continue on Florida A1A
Drive approximately ½ mile
Sea Palms will be on the right hand side.